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  • Business Units: Constructors
  • Location: Skennars Head, NSW
  • Client: Intrapac Properties Pty Ltd
  • Others Solution: Residential
  • Key Achievement :

    More than 400 residential lots

    External Road Upgrade

    External Services Upgrades

    NSW Workcover provided Winslow with a letter of commendation for outstanding safety management and
    safety performance after a random inspection.

    Construction of two new roundabouts working under live traffic.,

    Construction of a pedestrian underpass.

    Construction of a new trunk sewer main and sewer pump station.

    Extensive bulk earthworks, including blasting, crushing and screening rock.


This prestigious residential estate is located on a rise between the Pacific Ocean, a protected wetlands, established high end housing, and farmland, and was classified as a high value cultural heritage site. Very strict environmental and construction constraints formed part of the DA requirements for the project and as such, high levels of environmental and cultural heritage management and protection were required throughout works.

Commitment to sustainability recognised with award

Winslow was acknowledged and celebrated last week as a founding member of the Infrastructure Sustainability Council (ISC) at the Sunbury Road Upgrade Project site office.

ISC Chief Engagement and Development Officer Jane Nicholls and Business Development Manager Andrea Makris acknowledged Winslow’s role in creating the IS Rating Scheme in 2012, which was launched by then Federal Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese.

The scheme is Australia and New Zealand’s only comprehensive rating system for evaluating economic, social and environmental performance of infrastructure across the planning, design, construction and operational phases of infrastructure assets.

The award recognises Winslow’s long-term commitment, and the contribution we have made to improving sustainability within the construction industry.

A ceremony recognising the foundation members was held last year, however no one from Winslow was available to attend the awards at the time.

Winslow’s Executive Manger Systems and Compliance Srinivasan Krishnamurti said the Group’s involvement with the ISC started in 2009 “with an informal discussion between CEO Trevor Lockwood, (former Group Governance Officer) Kevin Eeles and myself about Greenhouse Gas Protocol for Project Accounting in terms of being able to meet emissions threshold on all our greenfield and infrastructure projects”.

“I contacted the Australian Green Infrastructure Council (AGIC) which was later named Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia,” Srini said.

“We applied for foundation membership and managed to get in – actually pulled off a miracle - despite applications for foundation membership being closed for new entrants.

“AGIC’s first ever planning day was attended by Trevor in 2009.”

The award was presented to the Winslow team represented by the Environmental and Sustainability team, Communications team and Senior Project Management.

This was a great opportunity to showcase our innovations that the team led by Environmental and Sustainability Manager, Julie Buckley have implemented so far, including our sustainable site facilities in Sunbury, use of recycled foreign object debris (FOD) mats and state of the art tracking and measuring of materials procurement and use with Soil Flow.

“It is wonderful to be a part of a company that has a long-standing history of an embedded sustainable culture, that has now been recognised by ISC as a founding member,” Julie said.

EKOPipe a first for Winslow

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Today is World Environment Day, which is celebrated annually on June 5 around the globe to encourage awareness and action for the protection of the environment.

Winslow is committed to reducing plastic pollution in the environment and is invested in using science and technology-based solutions to tackle this issue. 

Winslow is using sustainably based outcomes, such as EKOPipe to reduce pollution. 

In addition, Winslow will be removing plastic from the environment by avoiding plastics in the supply chain and picking plastic rubbish from the environment to ensure plastics don’t end up in waterways and our oceans.

Our projects will be showcasing what they have done to make a positive impact in reducing and removing plastics from the environment

We are driven to find sustainable outcomes through innovative solutions, such as the EKOPipe.

The EKOPipe innovation helps us achieve our environmental and sustainability goals, and the use of more sustainable production methods helps us reduce our environmental footprint.

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Last week, Winslow Infrastructure received the very first order of this amazing solution for the Bradmill Remediation Project in Yarraville, the first project in Australia to use product.

The pipe reduces concrete CO2 emissions by more than 50 per cent, which exceeds the 2030 commonwealth emissions targets.

“Our commitment to sustainability factors into every decision we make on Winslow sites,” said Allan Campbell, Winslow Infrastructure’s Environment and Sustainability Manager.

“It’s this drive for sustainable outcomes that pushes innovative solutions, like RCPA’s EKOPipes - a carbon reduced steel-reinforced concrete pipe and is the first of its kind in Australia.

“It’s another reason that Winslow is leading the way in the civil construction sustainability by utilising new technologies and finding better ways to do our job.

“EKOPipe is a game changer for the use of concrete pipes for our projects.”

Environmental team wins industry award

 Winslow Infrastructure's Environment and Sustainability team was announced as the winner of the Sustainability Excellence category at the 2024 Civil Contractors Federation (CCF) People and Training Awards in Melbourne on Friday May 17.

Our team was up against some strong competition, but was rewarded for its remarkable skills and dedication to sustainability and great contribution to the civil construction industry.

The team of passionate and strategic thinkers has been able to use their outstanding achievements on Major Road projects to expand innovations across other projects, transforming Winslow Infrastructure into a leading contractor in sustainable best practices.

Industry knowledge sharing and community engagement has become an integral aspect of the teams’ achievements and future development.

Through reflecting and evaluating outcomes, the team has been able to continuously refine and improve best industry practice processes, which has led to improved consistency and increased capabilities across the business.

From Sunbury Road tree to boardroom table

Winslow is determined to provide sustainable solutions on our projects that benefit the communities where we operate.

Winslow Infrastructure recently took delivery of a new boardroom table, which was built from wood reclaimed from the Sunbury Road Upgrade project.

The wood was milled on site last year and was gifted to the Hume Men’s Shed, whose members built furniture to raise funds for their workshop.

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Winslow’s bespoke boardroom table, designed and built by the Men’s Shed, is now a feature at our recently renovated Port Melbourne office where employees and visitors comment on its fine craftmanship, and the journey of the recycled wood used.

Timber was also given to Sunbury Secondary College's, whose students crafted a coffee table and other furniture for the school's front office.

Recycling Week highlights Winslow’s commitment to sustainability

Winslow is committed to protecting and enhancing the environment in which we operate, and where possible, we replace materials with environmentally sustainable alternatives.

Planet Ark’s National Recycling Week (November 7-13) was a great time to celebrate some of the Winslow Infrastructure teams’ achievements at the Lathams Road Upgrade project, as well as reminding the workforce of Winslow’s commitment to sustainable practices.

The team took part in a toolbox with the workforce, reminding everyone of The 5 Rs of Recycling: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle.

Reducing our waste by recycling not only keeps valuable materials out of landfill it also benefits the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 

Some big wins that we have had on the project regarding recycling-based initiatives:

  • Polyrok kerb mix: We are diverting more than 3 million pieces of soft plastic from landfill through the use of Polyrok in our kerb mix, equating to about 13 tonnes of soft plastic being recycled and diverted out of landfills.
  • RPM pipes: We have diverted more than 220,000 plastic milk bottles through the use of RPM drainage pipes on site.
  • Office waste: The project has diverted 50 per cent of office waste from landfill. This has seen a steadily increasing this year and it has been great to see the team engaging with recycling initiatives within the office. 

The LRU project team took part in a quiz to test their sustainability knowledge regarding project recycled materials, project targets, and general knowledge on National Recycling Week.

Site Engineer Vidunith Gamage scored an unbeaten 100 per cent and was rewarded with a $50 gift card.

It was great to see that the engineers listen to toolbox talks and read sustainability updates.


The Point on point with industry awards

For more than 10 years Winslow has been constructing The Point estate in Point Lonsdale with our partner Moremac Property Group to deliver more than 500 residential and retirement lots.

At Winslow, we thrive on building communities and are committed to protecting and enhancing the environment in which we operate, with our clients, stakeholders and other interested parties to achieve strong sustainable outcomes.

The development of The Point required Winslow and Moremac to overcome extraordinary challenges.

The Point is based around a unique water body engineered to allow a regular flushing of seawater using a system of computerised gates to manage water ingress and egress.

The system required a high level of engineering innovation, and this has been followed by an excellent residential development creating a new coastal community on the popular Bellarine Peninsula.

This was recognised in the annual Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) – Victoria awards.

In 2021, The Point was recognised with the Judges’ Award – Regional Victoria, and the Environmental Excellence Award.

Judges said The Point required significant environmental and engineering challenges, and “tackled some of the most complex water management systems that the judges have ever seen in Victoria”.

The awards also recognised The Point being a community of high-quality, coastal-inspired homes set within an environment sensitive to its abundant natural assets, landscapes, and parks.

The ongoing development of this exciting estate continues with the final bridge crossing and stages being created now.

Winslow Infrastructure awarded ISCA rating

In partnership with Major Road Projects Victoria, the Lathams Road Upgrade Project has had some great news on the sustainability front recently, with Winslow Infrastructure awarded a design score of 49.25 from the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA).

ISCA ratings consider the environmental, social, and economic sustainability of both the design and delivery of infrastructure projects.

This is Winslow’s first ever rating submission as an infrastructure contractor.

“Completing an ISCA rated project really puts Winslow Infrastructure on the map as a sustainable contractor building sustainable infrastructure.

“This has been a massive effort from everyone involved in the project team to get us to this point, and we look forward to submitting our ‘As Built’ rating following the completion of the project in the coming months and achieving an ‘Excellent’ rating,” said James Thomas, Environment and Sustainability Advisor.

This award was a real team effort with everyone from project engineers, construction managers, commercial, communications, operations and the environment team involved with implementing initiatives and contributing to the award.

Winslow Infrastructure awarded ISCA rating 01

The team worked closely with Edge Environment, Perspektiv, Major Roads Project Victoria’s Sustainable Infrastructure team and ISC project managers to achieve this recognition. 

Key achievements from the Project that have received recognition:

  • Large-scale implementation of recycled plastic aggregate derived from post-consumer soft plastics in non-structural concrete mixes, following a successful trial of the mix on an infrastructure project. This had resulted in the diversion of over 10 tonnes of soft plastic away from landfill.
  • The use of up to fifty 100 per cent solar powered street lighting replacements, with over 400 tonnes of CO2 saved over the life of the project.
  • 100 per cent re-use of topsoil and spoil.
  • Significant use of recycled content in drainage pipes, steel and asphalt. The project has used the equivalent of 223,200 recycled milk bottles in recycled plastic drainage pipes alone.
  • 40 per cent Portland Cement Reduction achieved across all concrete mixes, with savings of over 200 tonnes of CO2.
  • Material savings through the optimisation of design and the retention of existing assets
  • Project site office running off renewable green power.
  • Large quantities of 100 per cent recycled crushed concrete used, resulting in over 1200 tonnes of CO2 savings.

For more information about ISCA and to read more about the project’s the benefit

Winslow rejoins Infrastructure Sustainability Council

Winslow is committed to protecting and enhancing the environment in which we operate and are committed to achieving strong sustainable outcomes through innovative solutions.

Winslow Group recently made the exciting decision to re-join the Infrastructure Sustainability Council, of which it was a Founding Member in 2009. 

The ISC is the peak industry body that is enabling environmental, social, governance and economic benefits for people, planet, and the economy through infrastructure projects.

To find out more about the Infrastructure Sustainability Council, the IS Rating Scheme and the benefits of Winslow Group's ISC membership, click here.

Winslow’s biodiesel journey

Winslow Group Procurement Manager Trent Chamberlain is featured on this month’s cover of Inside Construction magazine for an article about the business’s use of biodiesel as a sustainable option.

Biodiesel is a co-mingled product derived from vegetable oils and animal fats and used as an alternative to conventional diesel.

Typically, biodiesel is blended with diesel in five per cent (B5), 10 per cent (B10) and 20 per cent (B20) ratios.

“Our 2022 carbon inventory brought to light the potential of biodiesel fuel as an easy solution, readily available to contribute to reducing our scope one emissions produced by diesel burn throughout our operations,” Trent said.

Winslow has partnered with Viva Energy, our supplier of fuels and lubricants for our plant and equipment, to reduce emissions without impacting company operations.

“It’s customers like Winslow Group, those actively striving to reduce emissions today, that are positioning themselves ahead of the curve as sustainability requirements intensify across the industry,” said Yap Chong Hua, Viva Energy’s Key Account Manager – Transport.

Trent cover

Winslow’s commitment to leaving a green footprint

Winslow is committed to improving environmental impacts and sustainability in the communities within which our teams work.

On Friday July 29, members of the Sunbury Road Upgrade team visited three local primary schools to celebrate National Tree Day.

The teams traveled to Kismet Park, Holy Trinity and Goonawarra primary schools to donate plants, which the students helped plant.

The day included educational presentations, and demonstrations on how to plant and look after them once in the ground.

The plants were delivered in recyclable containers, reducing land waste, and providing the extra opportunity for each school to return them for a rebate.

This initiative highlights the lasting impression Winslow leaves on communities, teaching the younger generation the importance of the environment and how to look after not only their plants, but the environment around them.

On June 5, Winslow Infrastructure’s Sunbury and Lathams road upgrade teams celebrated World Environment Day.

Our Lathams Road team celebrated with a morning tea accompanied by a demonstration on how to improve our office waste.

The team played a game of “Guess the Bin”, where they needed to identify the correct bin for different pieces of rubbish.

The team were also given a 100 per cent recyclable aluminium water bottle to use, to lower the number of plastic water bottles used on site each day.

Our Sunbury Road team enjoyed a BBQ lunch using reusable plates and cutlery – we are always looking for ways to reduce our waste – and the creation of a new “green walkway” into the site office.