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We work across Australia and have key offices to support our operations in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and Victoria.

Winslow Group – HQ

Essendon Fields

Level 1, 6 English Street,
Essendon Fields, 3041

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+61 3 9358 7700

Constructors HQ

Essendon Fields

Level 1, 6 English Street,
Essendon Fields, 3041

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+61 3 9358 7700



2 Central Boulevard,
Port Melbourne

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+61 3 9279 4600

Medium Density and Retirement Living


50 Barry Road,

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+61 3 9358 7700

Queensland HQ


Building 4, G1, 107 Miles Platting Road,
Eight Mile Plains, QLD 4113

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+61 7 3426 4000

New South Wales HQ


4/124 Woodlark Street,
Lismore NSW 2480

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+61 3 9358 7700

South Australia HQ


214 Prospect Road,
Prospect SA 5082

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+61 8 8269 4464

Victorian Offices


Level 2, 271-279 Robinsons Road, Ravenhall

+61 3 9358 7700

Clyde North

Building C,
Level 3 – 20 Jura Way, Clyde North

+61 3 9358 7700


Shop 19, Level 1,
Office 2, 192 Hummingbird Blvd, Tarneit

+61 3 9279 4600

Victorian Regional Offices


225 Learmonth Road, Ballarat

+61 3 9358 7700


942 Wellington Street, Strathfieldsaye

+61 3 9358 7700


52-60 Wood Street, Geelong South

+61 3 9358 7700


Suite 1, 12-14 Fryers Street

+61 3 9358 7700


9/107 high Street, Wodonga

+61 3 9358 7700

New South Wales Offices


4/124 Woodlark Street, Lismore

+61 3 9358 7700

Queensland Offices


Building 4, G1,
107 Miles Platting Road,
Eight Mile Plains

+61 7 3426 4000