
Big Blue raising mental health awareness
Winslow continues to be committed to raising the awareness and understanding of the benefits of positive mental health.
We encourage our employees to actively seek help if they need it and have visible mechanisms in place to help guide and support them.
In 2018, Winslow launched Big Blue, our 36-tonne Hitachi ZX360 excavator that was painted blue to be a great conversation starter to encourage anyone who is struggling to reach out and seek support.
After four years of encouraging mental health awareness, Big Blue has just had a fresh coat of paint and will again travel around Winslow sites in Victoria to spread the word on positive mental health and how important it is to ‘Chat and Check-In’ regularly with workmates.
We empower our leaders to guide employees to find support needed as we are all there to support each other.
Our qualified Mental Health first Aiders and Mental Health Champions are site based and are dressed in TradeMutt high vis shirts to ensure they are very accessible, easy to find and a safer option for employees.
October is National Mental Health Awareness month and Big Blue remains a visual reminder to our employees to regularly check in on our colleagues.