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29 May 2023

Women of Winslow mentors leading the way

Last week, the final of two workshops for the Women of Winslow mentoring program was held at Marnong Estate.  

Women of Winslow highlights and celebrates positive role modelling of women in positions across our business, by developing training opportunities, capability and diversity that will engage and empower our women to pursue many career opportunities at Winslow confidently.

The mentoring workshops, with the first held in February, were designed as a structured training opportunity to increase knowledge and skills to support women within the Winslow Group in their role as a mentor. 

Our mentors have been active since and the first workshop and the second workshop highlighted the importance of learning from each other.

Winslow’s wholistic approach to learning reinforces the value we place on using and passing on knowledge.

At Winslow, we learn from each other, we stretch and challenge ourselves and provide opportunities of diverse experiences – it’s The Winslow Way.

The inspiring mentoring workshops, hosted by Winslow Group General Counsel Amelia Rizzo, and facilitated by Laurice Temple and Nicole Jordan, enabled the women to have an opportunity to connect as a network and to support each other throughout the program.

The Women of Winslow mentoring program is creating and developing leaders, impacting the culture of Winslow through support, connection and genuine care for each other and their teams back on site.

Winslow is future focused on supporting our women and we believe that “you can’t be what you can’t see”.

Our new mentoring graduates are creating positive energy on our sites – thank you for your active participation and enthusiasm!

Congratulations to all mentoring graduates, whose enthusiasm has made the initiative a success.