Dawn Estate
LocationDennis Street, Walloon. Walloon is located 15km West of Ipswich CBD.
ClientID Land, RBG Services (Stages 1-4)
Industry SectorSubdivision
Other Winslow Solutions involved in the project
- Utilities
- Plant and Equipment
- Surveying
Winslow are completing a new residential development for ID Land in the ‘Dawn’ estate. Including bulk earthworks, installation of drainage and retaining walls, roads and landscaping, Dawn Stage 6A1 and B1 is the first development between Winslow and ID Land in Queensland.
Key Achievements
- Completion of Stages 1-4, upgrade of Rohl Road and intersection upgrade of TMR road, construction of trunk sewer rising main (7.8km), gravity sewer main (3.5km) sewer pump station, water pump station and trunk water main (6.5km).