Sunbury Road Upgrade
LocationSunbury, Victoria
ClientMajor Road Projects Victoria (MRPV)
Industry SectorTransport, Civil Infrastructure
Other Winslow Solutions involved in the project
- Major Road Projects
- Utilities
- Plant and Equipment
- Surveying
- Traffic Management
The Sunbury Road Upgrade project involved adding extra lanes between Powlett Street and Bulla-Diggers Rest/Loemans Road. New traffic lights now replace the roundabouts at Francis Boulevard and Lancefield Road and traffic lights have been installed at the Sunbury Eco-hub. A new bridge over Jacksons Creek and new walking and cycling paths have also been constructed, improving safety and reliability for the community.
Key Achievements
Environmental and sustainability management: The team implemented a range of key initiatives, trialed Victorian first innovations and received an “Excellent” rating from the Infrastructure Sustainability Council during the first “design” round.
Community and Stakeholder Engagement: The team collaborated with the community to construct a 40m long mural on the Jacksons Creek retaining wall. A whole range of community groups and stakeholders were involved in the process of picking the local artist and deciding the theme of the mural.
Social Procurement: Over the lifetime of the project, the project spent approximately $5.5 million on Indigenous sub-contractors or suppliers and almost $2.3 million on social enterprise sub-contractors or suppliers.